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The word "abstract" is derived from the Latin words "abs" meaning away, and "trahere" meaning draw.  So abstract literally means to draw away.  It leaves aside all reference to substantial objects, being non-representational, and refers to nothing except the expression of the artist.  In leaving aside allusion to anything material, the artist is free to exploit the elements of art, that is line, shape, form, space, texture, value and colour, in their purity.  In particular, I am interested in colour and texture, and am enjoying the process of manipulating them through various techniques.


Abstract painting can be challenging to do, because there is nothing to base one's work on, nothing to fall back on.  It is a demanding process to rely solely on the imagination.  But when the work reaches its fulfillment, the result can be both surprising and rewarding.  It is sometimes as if the painting creates itself, and I am merely the player following the cues of the lead actor.


I hope you enjoy my voyage into abstract art as much as I have.

Structure in an Unknown Universe

$115 Acrylic 14 x 18 inches 35.5 x 45.7 cm

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

$190 Acrylic 23.6 x 29.5 inches 60 x 75 cm


$65 Acrylic 10 x 12 inches 25.4 x 30.5 cm

Back to School Triptych

$125 Acrylic 24 x 16 inches 61 x 40.6 cm

Timeline of the Australian Summer

$80 Acrylic 11.8 x 15.7 inches 30 x 40 cm

Can I Take You to the Dance?

$135 Acrylic 15.7 x 15.7 inches 40 x 40 cm

Vacant Lot

$75 Acrylic 11.8 x 15.7 inches 30 x 40 cm


$100 Acrylic 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm

The Crossroads

$80 Acrylic 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm

The Message

$100 Acrylic 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm

Rain-Streaked Window

$85 Mixed media 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm


$140 Mixed media 16 x16 inches 40.6 x 40.6 cm


$130 Acrylic 15 x 30 inches 38.1 x 76.2 cm


$75 Acrylic 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm

Sand Dunes

$75 Acrylic 12 x 24 inches 30.5 x 61 cm


$115 Acrylic 15.7 x 31.4 inches 40 x 80 cm


$70 Acrylic 11.8 x 15.7 inches 30 x 40 cm

© Robin Ramirez 2016  All rights reserved

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