My Artworks
I love people. I love to try and get inside their heads and to see things through the eyes of others. I seek to understand where they are coming from, to "get" their personality, to hear their stories and know their histories. How could I help but to love drawing and painting portraits? This is the oldest of my art loves - people.
The newest of my art loves is abstract. I have not done pure abstract before this year. But I love the looks, the techniques of many greatly varied abstracts, and have found countless works that are wonderfully inspirational to me.
Another of the subjects I enjoy is the still life. Colour is pure wonder to me. I am fascinated by one colour interacting with another. Still lifes give me plentiful opportunities to play with colour as well as to explore composition.
I am enthused by many diverse paintings and artists, and my work reflects that. This variety of inspiration leads people to very often remark how different my artworks are from each other. At the moment, I am like a wild horse, running free, discovering all the different sights, sounds and tastes in the countryside around it. I am in the learning stage, trying new techniques, discovering new looks, expressing new perceptions. I am on a journey of discovery. One of the destinations will be to discover and develop my own style.
I hope you enjoy the journey so far.