Art Explorers classes currently run at Piara Waters Pavilion at 350 Wright Rd, Piara Waters. They comprise of two lesson structures:
After-School classes that run through term and are booked for the entire length of the term, usually 9 or 10 weeks long. These classes run on both Monday and Tuesday afternoons, with lesson times of 50-minutes.
School Holiday Workshops, which are booked individually, with a lesson time of 60-minutes.
After-School Classes
These ongoing classes are taught to two distinct age groups, with classes running for the entire term, one afternoon per week for a 50-minute lesson. Students have a choice of days to attend the lessons, either Monday or Tuesday afternoons. The times of the classes are:
Junior (PP-Gr 3)
Mondays 4:15-5:05 pm
Tuesdays 5:25-6:15 pm
Intermediate (Gr 4-8)
Mondays 5:25-6:15 pm
Tuesdays 4:15-5:05 pm
Term 3, 2023 Program
Early Bird Price $200*
*$220 after 30th June
Please note that there are additional discounts available for siblings.
10-week term
Mondays July 17 to September 18
Tuesdays July 18 to September 19
Junior Lessons
"A World of Make Believe"
What child doesn’t like to follow the trail of their imagination into the world of make-believe. Here, students get to paint their own magical creatures and create a land where it is normal to see lollipop trees and hear whispers from the ground underfoot. Join us for a wonderful fairy-tale adventure.
Weeks 1-2: The Great Big Giant
Weeks 3-4: Night Rider Unicorn
Week 5: Mermaid Underwater Exploration
Week 6: Fruit Fairy or Elf
Weeks 7-9: Fantasy Land
Week 10: From the Ashes - Phoenix
Intermediate Lessons
"Seems a Bit Fishy to Me"
Fish! Who’d have thought you could get so creative with fish? Well, this term we will discover that creativity can be just as inspiring with the simple subject of fish as much as anything else. So come along with me to drop a line into our imagination and see what we can pull up.
Weeks 1-2: Friday Night Dinner
Weeks 3-4: Grungy Fish
Week 5: Jewel-Coloured Swordfish
Weeks 6-8: Spotted Snapper
Week 9: Making Brushes, Making Marks
Week 10: Sardines in a Sapphire Sea
School Holiday Workshops
The school holiday workshops are classes that stand alone, meaning you may choose to attend just one class if you wish, or both, if you prefer. They are a great way for your child to "dip their toe in" to see if they enjoy the experience of participating in an art class, before committing to a whole term. The holiday art workshops run on two Wednesday mornings each school holidays.
The times of the workshops are as follows:
Ages 5-9
9:15-10:15 am​
Ages 10-14
10:30-11:30 am​
July School Holidays, 2023
Wednesdays 5th & 12th July
The Early Bird price of $24 is available until 16th June, 2023. After that date, the price will revert to $26 per workshop. Additional discounts apply to siblings and regular students.
Ages 5-9
"Let's Gain Some Perspective"
5th July: Avenue of Trees
12th July: Visit to the Aquarium
Ages 10-14
"Ocean Currents"
5th July: Octopus Jewellery
12th July: Jellyfish Dream